Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Resistance to Faith

" . . . where doubt and uncertainty are there faith is not, nor can it be. For doubt and faith do not exist in the same person at the same time. . ."

- Joesph Smith
Lectures on Faith 6:12

I love that quote. Combine that quote with what we know about focus, and you get a powerful combination. You see, sometimes we focus on things that create resistance to our faith, and I don't necessarily mean faith in a purely reiligious connotation. Faith, in the context I'm referring to it, is faith in God and faith in yourself, that you, as a child of God, or a creation of God, can draw on the powers of God by faith.

However, there are four ways of talking yourself out of having this necessary faith. I give credit to Wayne Dyer for these:

1. Focusing on what's missing in your life.

Remember the law of focus? What you concentrate on expands in your vision and in your life. If you focus on not having enough money, love, faith, happiness, or whatever else you perceive to be missing in your life, that sense of lack will expand in your vision and your life. "I don't have enough..." means you'll contunue to not have enough of whatever it is you perceive is lacking. That's not faith. That's resistance.

2. Focusing on the negative circumstances in your life.

This is very similar to the above, but it's focusing on what IS, that you don't like. For example, if you're focusing on hating your job, and all you talk about with friends, relatives, and even yourself is "I hate my job. My boss doesn't like me. They pay me crappy wages," etc., etc., then you'll continue to attract into your life a crummy job where you're not appreciated, you're underpaid, etc. Do you see the difference? In no. 1, your focus is on what's missing, and in no. 2, your focus is on what is not missing, but what you don't like about what is. I hope this is making sense.

3. Focusing on the way things always have been.

It's been said that "To get what you've never had, you have to do what you've never done." If you're focusing on the way things always have been -- for example "My spouse has never treated me well," -- then you're attracting more of your spouse not treating you well. What you focus on expands in your vision and in your mind, so focusing on what has always been will continue to attract what you've always had. "I've always rented, I've never owned a home"... you'll continue to always rent and never own, until you can get out of that mindset.

4. Focusing on what others want for you.

Focusing on what others want for you isn't always a bad thing, except for the fact that you're relinquishing control of your life to someone else. According to success guru Brian Tracy, you can only be successful to the extent that you feel you are in control of your life. To the extent that you feel out of control, or under the control of someone else, you cannot feel successful in your own life. When others want for you what you want for you, this can change, and you can satisy others while satisfying yourself.

I hope the above has made sense. Remember, when you focus on the rocks and the trees and the ditch, you'll end up hurt with a broken mountain bike. When you focus on the trail and the exhileration and the fun, you'll end up descending a mountain having the time of your life.

Comments again are welcome and encouraged. Thanks.

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