Thursday, July 19, 2007

Let go, Part Deux

Today's topic:

Let go of your need to be right.

"A man who lives right, and is right, has more power in his silence than another has by his words." -- Phillips Brooks

How many arguments can cease, fights avoided, relationships healed, minds opened, if we will just abandon our need to be right about everything, all the time?

Chances are you know someone like this. Someone who always needs to be right, and will argue and belabor a subject to death before conceding even the slightest point. Who wants to be around a person like that? Not I.

A powerful phrase to allow into your vocabulary, "You may be right about that," said without sarcasm, can stop arguments faster than any other method I'm aware of. You don't have to believe it. You don't have to accept the point as fact. Just cease needing to be right about everything.

One has to be secure in himself to have the ability to do this. You have to know that being right in your own mind is much more important than showing it to everyone you meet. Simply allow others the opportunity to be right, and you may discover that you were indeed wrong about something or someone, and your perspective has changed and left you a better person for it. You never know.


Shaka said...

dr. phil calls them "right fighters"

Salt H2O said...

I use to always need to be right, but once I embrassed that I could be wrong, it was really freeing. Now I'm wrong all the time.