Wednesday, February 28, 2007

On dissatisfaction

A recent comment on this blog brought up the point that dissatisfaction and unhappiness can be powerful motivators for change. I couldn't agree more.

The problem with many people is, however, that they concentrate then on what they're dissatisfied about. "My house isn't big enough. I don't make enough money. I'm always sick. My husband is lazy. My boss hates me." And so on and on and on.

If this is where your mind is stuck, then you are not being motivated to change anything. If the thoughts occupying your head are thoughts of what's missing or what's wrong in your life, then you will continue to dwell in that state. If, however, you use that dissatisfaction to concentrate your thoughts on what you want or the way you'd rather have things -- such as "I want a bigger house. I can make more money. I exercise and eat right so I can stay healthy" -- then your dissatsifaction is motivating you to make a change. If you dwell on your present state, however, and you don't like your present state, you're not going to do anything to change it. You see, first you have to ask, then you have to seek, and then you have to knock. Not just whine.

Comments are again welcome and appreciated.

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